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Rud VLBG Ring bolt


The VLBG Ring Bolt offers a functional, compact innovative design. The rings are 100% electro-magnetic crack tested and painted in the unique durable RUD pink powder coat finish. Manufactured using high tensile CrNiMo – steel. Offers a full WLL in any direction with 4:1 lifting design factor. 360° rotation and 180° pivoting. Longer bolt lengths available on request. Rated capacity can be increased 100% in specific lashing applications. Test certificates available, with full traceability on Ring Bolts. 100% electro-magnetic crack detection tested. UNC threads also available.


Part Number
Part Number
Type WLL
A B C D E F G H H(vario) J K L L(vario) M N SW R T DB
LP0.30BF08.0R LP0.30BF08.0R105 VLBG-0.3t-M8 0.3 30 54 34 35 40 10 29 11 76 75 45 40 105 8 5 13 32 75 24 0.3 30
LP0.63BF10.0R LP0.63BF10.0R125 VLBG-0.63t-M10 0.63 30 54 34 36 39 10 29 16 96 75 45 45 125 10 6 17 32 75 24 0.32 60
LP01.0BF12.0R LP01.0BF12.0R145 VLBG-1t-M12 1 32 54 34 37 38 10 29 21 116 75 45 50 145 12 8 19 32 75 26 0.33 100
LP01.2BF14.0R070 VLBG-1.2t-M14 1.2 33 56 36 46 39 13.5 36 34 86 47 70 16 10 24 38 85 30 0.55 120
LP01.5BF16.0R LP01.5BF16.0R185 VLBG-1.5t-M16 1.5 33 56 36 46 39 13.5 36 24 149 87 47 60 185 16 10 24 38 85 30 0.55 150
LP02.0BF18.0R090 VLBG-2t-M18 2 50 82 54 55 55 16.5 43 47 113 64 90 20 12 30 48 110 45 1.3 200
LP02.5BF20.0R LP02.5BF20.0R230 VLBG-2.5t-M20 2.5 50 82 54 55 55 16.5 43 32 187 113 64 75 230 20 12 30 48 110 45 1.3 250
LP04.0BF24.0R LP04.0BF24.0R265 VLBG-4t-M24 4 50 82 54 55 55 18 43 37 222 130 78 80 265 24 14 36 48 125 45 1.5 400
LP04.0BF27.0R VLBG-4t-M27 4 60 103 65 78 69 22.5 61 39 151 80 100 27 41 67 147 60 3.1 400
LP05.0BF30.0R LP05.0BF30.0R340 VLBG-5t-M30 5 60 103 65 78 69 22.5 61 49 279 151 80 110 340 30 17 46 67 147 60 3.1 500
LP07.0BF36.0R VLBG-7t-M36 7 60 103 65 72 74 22.5 55 52 151 80 107 36 55 67 146 60 3.3 700
LP08.0BF36.0R LP08.0BF36.0R300 VLBG-8t-M36 8 77 122 82 100 97 26.5 77 63 223 205 110 140 300 36 22 55 85 197 70 5.8 800
LP10.0BF42.0R LP10.0BF42.0R350 VLBG-10t-M42 10 77 122 82 103 94 26.5 77 73 273 205 110 150 350 42 24 65 85 197 70 6.4 1000
LP15.0BF42.0R LP15.0BF42.0R350 VLBG-15t-M42 15 95 156 100 113 109 36 87 63 263 230 130 150 350 42 24 65 100 222 85 11.2 1500
LP20.0BF48.0R LP20.0BF48.0R390 VLBG-20t-M48 20 95 156 100 117 105 36 87 73 303 230 130 160 390 48 27 75 100 222 95 11.6 2000

Dimensions and specifications subject to change
